Acalanes Valley Homeowners
Connecting Neighbors with Each Other

Our Mission
Making our community a better place to live
Discover the tranquil surroundings of our region, where residents come together to create a wonderful living environment. The Acalanes Valley HOA is dedicated to connecting our residents to inform and shape our community.

Community Updates
Stay Informed Here
Welcome New Neighbors
We will do our best to keep you up to date with the latest news and announcements in our community. You can share stories, events, and updates with us to keep the neighborhood spirit alive!
City Plans for our Area
As you might be aware, the City is in the process of updating the Housing Element of their General Plan. Because of impositions placed on them by the State, there will be large impacts to the City in general and our area in particular. More to come.
What are your concerns?
We will be sending out an electronic questionnaire to better understand what concerns you might have and how that can be conveyed to the City.
Good News
How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world. ANNE FRANK